Welcome to Ojai Valley CERT




This blog provides information to those interested in CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) activities in The Ojai Valley, CA. CERT works in partnership with OVARC (Ojai Valley Amateur Radio Club) which provides Ham Radio Communications - http://www.ovarc.org/.

http://www.citizencorps.gov/cert is a good place to begin learning about CERT. The fact is, immediately after a major disaster, each of us will be on our own while Emergency Services Personnel (Fire, Hospital, Police, Hospitals, etc) figure out what happened and how to respond. CERT teaches valuable self-preservation skills and empowers each of us to be of service to ourselves, family, neighborhood and community. By integrating CERT with Ham Radio, citizens can effectively communicate actionable information from the field to the Emergency Operations Center -- help will be on the way sooner.

Please check out the CERT Calendar & Map at the bottom of this web-page and sign our Guestbook (top right of page).

Ojai Valley (CERT, Ham Radio, Red Cross)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Taking the plunge into GMRS

Because Tim Shates was talking to himself on the weekly GMRS Radio Net (Tuesday at 6:30PM), I took the plunge and became an FCC licensed GMRS Radio Operator.

Very easy to do (there is NO exam)... If you have questions, please ask -- that's how Ham and GMRS Radio works.

1. Get a GMRS license by going to the FCC web-site at:


It's $85 for 5 years and covers all within a family.

2. Buy a GMRS Radio

Send me an email (ojaivalleycert@gmail.com) and I can put you in touch with Tim Shates -- he installed a 10 watt repeater up by Thacher School and has access to cool TEKK GMRS/FRS radios.

Another option is the Midland GXT900VP4 which is a 5 WATT GMRS/FRS but doesn't talk to repeaters.

3. Plan on joining the weekly GMRS CERT Radio net (Tuesday at 6:30PM to 6:45PM). The plan is to develop an Ojai Valley Wide Radio Network -- GMRS/FRS to be used within the nine (9) CERT Neighborhoods and Ham Radio to communicate between the neighborhoods and the EOC.

Note: Keep in mind that we would like to build a GMRS Net, but also recognize the value of FRS radios -- these don't require a license but typically transmit less power.

Paul (WQJF339)